Monday, 1 December 2014

Time for a change

see many people at work or around in general who look unhappy or depressed and I hear the same things from people "I am tired" "I am burnt out" etc. I felt these ways and asked myself the same questions such as "who cares" or "what’s the point". Today at the gym I asked myself those same questions and then it hit me how many things are connected. I have known for years I wanted to travel more and it was a year ago that I finally decided it was time for a change. Now I am eight weeks away until that change. At this point in my life I figured I would have been married with kids, debt free and well established in my career. I look in the mirror and what do I see a tired, fat, lazy, bored and lonely person who lost his smile. Why am I quitting my well-paying job, leaving behind the security of bi-weekly pays, my apartment, and all of “my stuff”? I don’t recognize the guy in the mirror and he is not who I am. I have two choices in my life I can continue with "my life" my “real world adult life” or “the life society tells me to live” or I can leave it all behind leave behind the guy in the mirror and find my smile.

From time to time while on vacation I see that smile and then when I come back to the real world it disappears sometimes the day I come back. This is a huge world with many different jobs, people, countries, cities, and opportunities and somewhere out there is the one that has the right balance that will allow me to keep my smile. By this time next year I should be living in Daegu South Korea and hear is my prediction;

I will be 30 pounds lighter than I am
I will be dating a great girl
I will have a constant smile on my face
I will love my job
I will have swam/snorkeled in some of the most beautiful places on this planet with amazing animals
I will have made many new lifelong friends
I will be on my way to being in the best shape I have ever been in
I will be well on my way to being debt free
I will have had countless new experiences
I will know how to speak other languages (but not well)
I will have new skills
I will be working towards being a full time presenter along with being a guide in the mountains


I will ask myself why I didn’t change my life sooner

Tuna Tom

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