I have been in New Zealand since February of this year and a lot has happened. It is hard trying to think of the last several months. Unfortunately things didn't plan out the way I wanted but that is life.
The last few months is a sample of things to come and what I have done. I've traveled to the tip of the North Island in New Zealand to Cape Regina, tried sand boarding, explored a beach with a marine biologist, hiked across the Tongariro crossing (most famous hike in New Zealand), snorkeled at a coral reef in Fiji at a private lagoon, traveled from Auckland to Wellington and experienced my first rugby game. I will also be posting on the effects of man on a coral reef, as well as writing on one of my greatest fears the water and how I am learning to conquer it.
I will be heading to Australia in a few days for 1 week and then off to Hawaii for 2 days. I will be back in Calgary in time for the best party in all of Canada.....the Calgary Stampede! I will also be traveling to the east coast in Canada. In the future this blog will be focused on the rocky mountains in Alberta from hiking, to camping, to snow shoeing and skiing.
For now its time to book some tickets and do some planning for my next adventures after all it is;
My Life
My Choice
My Time,
Tuna Tom
Off to the dunes for sandboarding |
a friendly crab waiting for high tide to catch a ride |
enjoying the views up on Tongariro crossing |
snorkeling Fiji |
Delicious crab curry |
Conquering fears one day at a time |
Exploring a cave in Fiji |
Part of an old foundation of a home in Fiji |
World Famous.......in New Zealand |
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